Is Ranked Play the Key To Apex Legends Sticking Around?
What’s the state of Apex Legends right now? How will it survive in the future?
First, there was H1Z1, then came PUBG, which launched a slew of other battle royale titles including the current title holder of Fortnite. Soon after that came Apex Legends, which made its own dent in the genre.
But, many are wondering if Apex has what it takes to last given that it’s still young and Fortnite is still on top. Well, one person at The Verge feels that Ranked Play is the way to go, because it feels “less oppressive” than the others. The game recently entered its second season, which included new maps, a new character, and many other things. If Apex wants to continue thriving like it has been, it needs to keep the content flowing and make sure players aren’t forced to do anything they don’t want to do.