
i just feel that if u are going to have a half-assed plan like getting on that boat, then u might as well not do it at all.

So if the city was suddenly being bombed and zombies were surrounding you, and all you had was one small boat for your group of 23, you' say "nah, I'll take the next one"? ;)
I thought it was a little too early for organized pirates too. I can see an opportunistic group trying to take over the boat, but systematically tricking vessels into giving up intel and location through a radio.... just weeks after the outbreak... seemed forced. So soon after the outbreak there would still be ample opportunities for looting without having to go around conquering other groups of survivors.

I felt this way about the finale last season also. This is a group whose leaders were teaching a high school class less than a month prior. They only just figured out how to even kill a zombie. And now they are leading an attack on a military base and taking incredibly drastic measures like releasing a horde of zombies and leading them as an offensive maneuver. It felt like they were trying to build slow tension up to that point and then they said f*ck it let's make them Rambo's and then we'll throw in some pirates.

i agree with all you said - mostly about the season 1 finale. that was way too far fetched for that group of people to do. i would have almost liked it more if they never concocted a plan and had to leave town without being able to rescue their loved ones at the hospital. that would have been more realistic and had a big impact on the people that had no choice but to save themselves or die by the military.
just seems to me that they should have:

- taken more than one boat
- found a bigger boat
- got more supplies
- returned to land already

one of those things
i dont understand why so many people would cram on that boat with limited to no supplies. what were they thinking?
They weren't... just like most religious people today...

Animals, like rats clinging to a piece of wood._ people like to say our species is above it all, they pretend we are... but when it hit's the fan and the situation is mother dicked, we lose logic more than normal... and most people in the world are already just insane bat shit crazy... add zombies into the mix and you are asking for all kinds of batshit.
So if the city was suddenly being bombed and zombies were surrounding you, and all you had was one small boat for your group of 23, you' say "nah, I'll take the next one"? ;)

if Travis and Madison can survive so haphazardly on the beach with just a rock or two, i think ill be ok.
It was not at all clear to me whether they escaped land in that boat or if it is a Lifeboat and they are there because their real boat went down for whatever reason?

The whole thing with the Z.A. is that not too much is supposed to be hard to believe,isn't it?

perhaps, but not a great idea to cram into a small dingy so much that it looks like the scene in NYC on New Year's Eve
I just thought about this. What if it was the Navy that shot up that boat? We already know that the army was killing people if they were outside of the safe zones. That shot up yacht would have been outside the safe zone. Myabe Jack is a good guy and he's trying to find fellow survivors.
I just thought about this. What if it was the Navy that shot up that boat? We already know that the army was killing people if they were outside of the safe zones. That shot up yacht would have been outside the safe zone. Myabe Jack is a good guy and he's trying to find fellow survivors.
You think that him finding them using outright deceit and pretending to be adrift and helpless might imply that he is a nice guy and not trouble?
There are modern day pirates operating now between FL and the Caribbean, mostly for drug running. I imagine there are the same between CA and Mexico too. If a ZA were to happen today they would be the first ones to attack others for better boats and more supplies.

As of overcrowding of boats....that happens all the time today too with people trying to escape places like Cuba and Haiti. Desperate people will do desperate things. I for one would get on an overcrowded before I let a zombie get me.
So if the city was suddenly being bombed and zombies were surrounding you, and all you had was one small boat for your group of 23, you' say "nah, I'll take the next one"? ;)

I agree, remember this is the beginning for them. They probably thought the coast guard or the navy would come to their rescue shortly.
Well first off Strand's so-called "yacht" is rather a bit of a slouch if all it can do is 20 knots full out, give me a break, this isn't some lake-going pontoon barge here, most yachts are capable of speeds far more impressive than that... The other thing is, if the faster vessel is on Strand's radar then his yacht is on theirs because few sea-going vessels can do these speeds that don't sport radar, once again we're not talking about some indigenous fishing boat with an outboard. Which brings me to my next point, 25 knots is awful close to a military speed such as a type of flank throttle setting. I don't think these are pirates, more than likely it's another branch of the military (such as Navy) they have dispatched to take care of "the plague" by killing everything, live and dead.

That's who (or what) I think is approaching, a military craft.
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