New Election Thread


Well-Known Member
The other threads haven't been used in a month or two, and they have dated titles so I started a new one.

The polling doesn't look good today for Democrats in the midterm. This isn't just an ideological election, but one that pits democratic values against authoritarian ones. We have over 300 election deniers running as Republicans this year, many are in line to become governors or senators. And then we have Herschel Walker who says he's going to look out for the rights of Martians.

Our politics just keep getting stranger and so much worse.

While I think the House is lost, there are so many Senate races within the margin of error that it's difficult to tell what will happen. Hopefully Democrats can at least hold on there, but I'm not very optimistic. The high inflation rate is really hurting prospects this year too.
The other threads haven't been used in a month or two, and they have dated titles so I started a new one.

The polling doesn't look good today for Democrats in the midterm. This isn't just an ideological election, but one that pits democratic values against authoritarian ones. We have over 300 election deniers running as Republicans this year, many are in line to become governors or senators. And then we have Herschel Walker who says he's going to look out for the rights of Martians.

Our politics just keep getting stranger and so much worse.

While I think the House is lost, there are so many Senate races within the margin of error that it's difficult to tell what will happen. Hopefully Democrats can at least hold on there, but I'm not very optimistic. The high inflation rate is really hurting prospects this year too.

It wasn’t the red tide that was expected however. Proud to say NY continues blue at the top levels and where you would expect it to…and the red areas stayed red. Kathy Hochul won her Governor seat against Trump acolyte Lee Zeldin and Chuck Schumer won his senate race. Kathy’s race was closer than we’d like to see but Chuck glided in easily. All four ballot measures also passed. We suffered through a redistricting process and so far Dems have won 14 seats, Republicans 10 with two not called yet.

Also thrilled that our neighbors directly to the south saw Democrats Josh Shapiro beat that lunatic Doug Mastriano for Governor and John Fetterman won over Oz for the senate.

I feel that I can breath a little easier but not going to Ohio any time soon.o_O
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It wasn’t the red tide that was expected however. Proud to say NY continues blue at the top levels and where you would expect it to…and the red areas stayed red. Kathy Hochul won her Governor seat against Trump acolyte Lee Zeldin and Chuck Schumer won his senate race. Kathy’s race was closer than we’d like to see but Chuck glided in easily. All four ballot measures also passed. We suffered through a redistributing process and so far Dems have won 14 seats, Republicans 10 with two not called yet.

Also thrilled that our neighbors directly to the south saw Democrats Josh Shapiro beat that lunatic Doug Mastriano for Governor and John Fetterman won over Oz for the senate.

I feel that I can breath a little easier but not going to Ohio any time soon.o_O

It's always good to be pleasantly surprised on election day. This was the best non-war year midterm for a sitting president. So I'll take it. I thought Shapiro in PA ran a very good race. Of course he was up against a Neanderthal, but that state is usually very close in their races and to have 13%+ margin is a testament to a very well run campaign.

I was wondering about NY. Was the race that close because people were angry about what happened to Cuomo? NY is the only blue or swing state that sort of went against the grain. It had the sort of numbers I was worried about nationwide, and the congressional seats there might be the ones that cost Dems control of the House. Even Schumer's race was tighter than usual. Did people just stay home?
No, they didn’t stay home. As I mentioned we underwent a court drawn redistricted congressional map that supposedly overturned Democrat’s gerrymander. Pfft. It made the races more competitive but Democratic enrollment is still 2:1 over Republicans. What people may or may not realize is that much of NYS is rural and red, however the major cities with the exception of Buffalo and maybe Binghamton (purple) vote blue and that includes NYC with it’s dense population. Long Island, where Lee Zeldin lives may be red but the rest of the metropolis hates Trump and he did poorly there.

That helps explain why nuts like Elsie Stephanik and Claudia Tenny won their races because one is from the north woods and the other more rural areas including some of the finger lakes region and Binghamton which abuts NE PA which is very red (in a newly mapped district). It’s easy to fear monger with such populations least the woes of the larger cities will somehow engulf them :rolleyes:…as if people want to move there full time and milk some cows or have to drive 15 miles to the nearest grocery store, even though they’re beautiful areas to vacation in. Maybe there’s more crime in the country than I think, hmmmmm Can’t explain some flips like Sean Patrick Maloney losing his seat although I believe Dems will still hold on to the state senate and assembly which will make it easier for Kathy to advance her agenda. Basically, it’s complicated though. No easy answers.

That, btw, is what the Republicans here were running their campaigns on. Fear mongering. Just tearing down the progress made but never offering constructive suggestions as to how they would make things better. Not to mention, it’s the Federal Reserve who will determine interest rates to combat inflation which arises out of many factors. It always amazes me that people forget that recovering from a world wide pandemic causes unique situations and problems. Add to that a maniac dictator intent on invading his neighbor and it’s not business as usual. Oh well, off my soap box, lol.

*I’ve done some reading on how Republicans managed to flip so many seats here and all I have to say is that the NYS Democratic Party needs to get it’s sh*t together, bottom line.
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No, they didn’t stay home. As I mentioned we underwent a court drawn redistricted congressional map that supposedly overturned Democrat’s gerrymander. Pfft. It made the races more competitive but Democratic enrollment is still 2:1 over Republicans. What people may or may not realize is that much of NYS is rural and red, however the major cities with the exception of Buffalo and maybe Binghamton (purple) vote blue and that includes NYC with it’s dense population. Long Island, where Lee Zeldin lives may be red but the rest of the metropolis hates Trump and he did poorly there.

That helps explain why nuts like Elsie Stephanik and Claudia Tenny won their races because one is from the north woods and the other more rural areas including some of the finger lakes region and Binghamton which abuts NE PA which is very red (in a newly mapped district). It’s easy to fear monger with such populations least the woes of the larger cities will somehow engulf them :rolleyes:…as if people want to move there full time and milk some cows or have to drive 15 miles to the nearest grocery store, even though they’re beautiful areas to vacation in. Maybe there’s more crime in the country than I think, hmmmmm Can’t explain some flips like Sean Patrick Maloney losing his seat although I believe Dems will still hold on to the state senate and assembly which will make it easier for Kathy to advance her agenda. Basically, it’s complicated though. No easy answers.

That, btw, is what the Republicans here were running their campaigns on. Fear mongering. Just tearing down the progress made but never offering constructive suggestions as to how they would make things better. Not to mention, it’s the Federal Reserve who will determine interest rates to combat inflation which arises out of many factors. It always amazes me that people forget that recovering from a world wide pandemic causes unique situations and problems. Add to that a maniac dictator intent on invading his neighbor and it’s not business as usual. Oh well, off my soap box, lol.

*I’ve done some reading on how Republicans managed to flip so many seats here and all I have to say is that the NYS Democratic Party needs to get it’s sh*t together, bottom line.

Even with those lost NY seats and the gerrymandered Florida ones, Dems might still hold the House. It's a bit of a long shot, but there are viable scenarios where they could squeak out a majority. Either way it looks like the House is only going to be 219-216 or 218-217 either way.

It's amazing for a midterm for a sitting president. I was expecting the worst. People in the past have said don't trust the polls, and that didn't have merit then, but this time around there really were some bad polls.
Even with those lost NY seats and the gerrymandered Florida ones, Dems might still hold the House. It's a bit of a long shot, but there are viable scenarios where they could squeak out a majority. Either way it looks like the House is only going to be 219-216 or 218-217 either way.

It's amazing for a midterm for a sitting president. I was expecting the worst. People in the past have said don't trust the polls, and that didn't have merit then, but this time around there really were some bad polls.

Democratic control of the house is unlikely to happen but as you said, it won’t be a Republican landslide either. Usually the party that controls the WH gets shellacked in the midterms. I really hope this shows that people are getting sick of the Trump freak show. Let him run in 2024 and the Republicans can lose again.
Democratic control of the house is unlikely to happen but as you said, it won’t be a Republican landslide either. Usually the party that controls the WH gets shellacked in the midterms. I really hope this shows that people are getting sick of the Trump freak show. Let him run in 2024 and the Republicans can lose again.

Hopefully DeSantis runs against him and all out civil war breaks out among the lunatics. I'm guessing DeSantis won't touch a run though because he knows that even if he won, Trump would destroy him afterwards. So he'll wait his turn. The thing is though he's already attacking DeSantis when he didn't even say he's running against Trump, so he is damaging him already.

The people that say Biden shouldn't run even though they approve what he's doing are really annoying. They point to the age factor, but a sitting president is tough to beat. On that alone people need to just cut it out. The next election is too important. And I certainly don't look forward to another Democratic free for all open primary with the far left pushing some of their own craziness. We can deal with that in 2028.
Hopefully DeSantis runs against him and all out civil war breaks out among the lunatics. I'm guessing DeSantis won't touch a run though because he knows that even if he won, Trump would destroy him afterwards. So he'll wait his turn. The thing is though he's already attacking DeSantis when he didn't even say he's running against Trump, so he is damaging him already.

The people that say Biden shouldn't run even though they approve what he's doing are really annoying. They point to the age factor, but a sitting president is tough to beat. On that alone people need to just cut it out. The next election is too important. And I certainly don't look forward to another Democratic free for all open primary with the far left pushing some of their own craziness. We can deal with that in 2028.

I think DeSantis would win if he ran. The trouble is that Trump running as well will split the Rep vote allowing the Dems to win the election.

LOL, I can't believe that Dems would seriously vote for Biden again. The poor man is demented NOW, you'd really entrust our country to whoever is putting words in his mouth for 4 more years?
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It wasn’t the red tide that was expected however. Proud to say NY continues blue at the top levels and where you would expect it to…and the red areas stayed red. Kathy Hochul won her Governor seat against Trump acolyte Lee Zeldin and Chuck Schumer won his senate race. Kathy’s race was closer than we’d like to see but Chuck glided in easily. All four ballot measures also passed. We suffered through a redistricting process and so far Dems have won 14 seats, Republicans 10 with two not called yet.

Also thrilled that our neighbors directly to the south saw Democrats Josh Shapiro beat that lunatic Doug Mastriano for Governor and John Fetterman won over Oz for the senate.

I feel that I can breath a little easier but not going to Ohio any time soon.o_O

Well, you're welcome to your blue paradise, the highest-taxed state in the country, where the proletariat hate the people who are actually paying their bills (the top 2% of earners pay 51% of NYC's taxes). Today, NYC's Mayor Adams gave a speech chiding his citizens for doing so, and must be feeling heat as in 2020 alone 10% of wealthy New Yorkers left the state, taking their tax revenue with them. LOL, today he told the people who are *criticizing* the rich to leave the state!:eek: I never thought I'd hear that.

I'm surprised you're happy about Fetterman. He doesn't seem like he's all there... or are you just happy a Rep didn't get the seat?

Also in today's news, Calif. Gov. Newsom said that his state couldn't stand having Title 42 repealed given the number of illegal aliens that they are already taking care of. He must be really shocked. Who'd have thought that offering free health care, free education, and saying you won't deport illegals who arrive would cause illegals to decide to go there? Not surprisingly, Calif's high income residents ARE leaving the state. In any event, you know things have got to be bad there when Newsom makes a speech publicly endorsing a *Trump* policy over that of his own party.
Well, you're welcome to your blue paradise, the highest-taxed state in the country, where the proletariat hate the people who are actually paying their bills (the top 2% of earners pay 51% of NYC's taxes). Today, NYC's Mayor Adams gave a speech chiding his citizens for doing so, and must be feeling heat as in 2020 alone 10% of wealthy New Yorkers left the state, taking their tax revenue with them. LOL, today he told the people who are *criticizing* the rich to leave the state!:eek: I never thought I'd hear that.

I'm surprised you're happy about Fetterman. He doesn't seem like he's all there... or are you just happy a Rep didn't get the seat?

Also in today's news, Calif. Gov. Newsom said that his state couldn't stand having Title 42 repealed given the number of illegal aliens that they are already taking care of. He must be really shocked. Who'd have thought that offering free health care, free education, and saying you won't deport illegals who arrive would cause illegals to decide to go there? Not surprisingly, Calif's high income residents ARE leaving the state. In any event, you know things have got to be bad there when Newsom makes a speech publicly endorsing a *Trump* policy over that of his own party.

I’ll take it. Love living here and I can afford to live here, thank you very much. I hope you enjoy living in your state as much as I love living in mine. Despite it’s faults there’s much to recommend it and I’ll do my part to see it remains as blue as possible. Your statement that NY is the highest taxed state is false. That honor goes to California.

Oh, and yes, I’m very happy Fetterman won over that Jersey, quack Oz. He can go back to pedaling his snake oil remedies on tv if they’ll have him. Ultimately, the people of Pennsylvania paid no attention to the man behind the curtain.:p

Have you considered buying a few Trump NFT trading cards for x-mas? LOL
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I’ll take it. Love living here and I can afford to live here, thank you very much. I hope you enjoy living in your state as much as I love living in mine. Despite it’s faults there’s much to recommend it and I’ll do my part to see it remains as blue as possible. Your statement that NY is the highest taxed state is false. That honor goes to California.

Oh, and yes, I’m very happy Fetterman won over that Jersey, quack Oz. He can go back to pedaling his snake oil remedies on tv if they’ll have him. Ultimately, the people of Pennsylvania paid no attention to the man behind the curtain.:p

Have you considered buying a few Trump NFT trading cards for x-mas? LOL

The thing about Fetterman too is that his condition will improve in time. He's still recovering from a stroke. I would certainly take a person with some diminished capacity over a terrible one, or a con-artist like that fraud Oz.

The red states too are among the poorest in the nation in terms of income. There is a scarcity of opportunity and advancement in these places. You have Massachusetts with an average income of $81,000 per year and Mississippi is only $41,000 yet MA earned the moniker of "Taxachussets" when it's a place with some of the highest average incomes in the US. So where would someone prefer to live?

Naturally, excessive taxation isn't something I'm advocating, but with better services, education and standard of living come costs too. The discussion becomes so "corporate based." Many with extreme wealth push this sad angle of taxation when there are so many other things that are hurting the average wage earner more. It's the system overall, and as long as they can get people upset that their tax dollars are going to food stamps, foreign aid, or any other drops in the bucket, it takes attention away from the systemic issues that get the way of people being able to improve their standard of living, but keep the very rich with their monopolistic hold over their capital.
The thing about Fetterman too is that his condition will improve in time. He's still recovering from a stroke. I would certainly take a person with some diminished capacity over a terrible one, or a con-artist like that fraud Oz.

The red states too are among the poorest in the nation in terms of income. There is a scarcity of opportunity and advancement in these places. You have Massachusetts with an average income of $81,000 per year and Mississippi is only $41,000 yet MA earned the moniker of "Taxachussets" when it's a place with some of the highest average incomes in the US. So where would someone prefer to live?

Naturally, excessive taxation isn't something I'm advocating, but with better services, education and standard of living come costs too. The discussion becomes so "corporate based." Many with extreme wealth push this sad angle of taxation when there are so many other things that are hurting the average wage earner more. It's the system overall, and as long as they can get people upset that their tax dollars are going to food stamps, foreign aid, or any other drops in the bucket, it takes attention away from the systemic issues that get the way of people being able to improve their standard of living, but keep the very rich with their monopolistic hold over their capital.

When you do research on Oz, he’s a multi-millionaire with multiple homes in different states but his long time residence was in New Jersey. The guy’s not stupid, being a MD, but one had to wonder about his dedication to the people of Pennsylvania when his focus has been on becoming a television personality and then what about his judgement? He’s promoted questionable treatments on multiple occasions which was troubling considering his on air platform.

Fetterman paid his dues in Pennsylvania by first being a Mayor and then Lt. Governor which made him intimately involved with the people and issues that Pennsylvanians faced. I thought he was better suited to be senator. You’re right that he’ll continue to improve after his stroke which Drs. Reported in Oct had no effect on his cognitive ability.

The one thing I will say is that Oz was gracious in defeat and didn’t carry on like that ridiculous Nikki Lake.

You made some good points that higher taxes often translate into more services and opportunities. The money has to come from somewhere. I do agree that the system overall is often manipulated by the extremely wealthy to hang on to more of their money than the average tax payer could ever hope to retain. I pay my taxes whatever that works out to yearly and I don’t begrudge the breaks that those in lower income brackets get but when someone like Trump only pays 700 in federal taxes? Something’s definitely rotten.
When you do research on Oz, he’s a multi-millionaire with multiple homes in different states but his long time residence was in New Jersey. The guy’s not stupid, being a MD, but one had to wonder about his dedication to the people of Pennsylvania when his focus has been on becoming a television personality and then what about his judgement? He’s promoted questionable treatments on multiple occasions which was troubling considering his on air platform.

Fetterman paid his dues in Pennsylvania by first being a Mayor and then Lt. Governor which made him intimately involved with the people and issues that Pennsylvanians faced. I thought he was better suited to be senator. You’re right that he’ll continue to improve after his stroke which Drs. Reported in Oct had no effect on his cognitive ability.

The one thing I will say is that Oz was gracious in defeat and didn’t carry on like that ridiculous Nikki Lake.

You made some good points that higher taxes often translate into more services and opportunities. The money has to come from somewhere. I do agree that the system overall is often manipulated by the extremely wealthy to hang on to more of their money than the average tax payer could ever hope to retain. I pay my taxes whatever that works out to yearly and I don’t begrudge the breaks that those in lower income brackets get but when someone like Trump only pays 700 in federal taxes? Something’s definitely rotten.

Yeah, I'm not against people being rich whether it be by their own initiative, or through inheritance, but they also need to pay their fair share in our society. And like you I don't begrudge that those less fortunate get those breaks, or that some of my money goes to programs that assist people in need.

I'm just sick of the tired old "tax and spend" criticisms that don't appropriately address the root of the problems in this country.
Sen. Fetterman (who beat out Dr. Oz) was in the hospital after being "lighteaded", and is now back in the hospital with depression. It seems he's actually going to do as much "work" as Buttigieg.
Sen. Fetterman (who beat out Dr. Oz) was in the hospital after being "lighteaded", and is now back in the hospital with depression. It seems he's actually going to do as much "work" as Buttigieg.

Hopefully he's feeling better soon. The stroke was less than one year ago, and a common side effect is depression. This is can be due to both biochemical changes in the brain, and/or the person adjusting to the psychological impact of the stroke.
Hopefully he's feeling better soon. The stroke was less than one year ago, and a common side effect is depression. This is can be due to both biochemical changes in the brain, and/or the person adjusting to the psychological impact of the stroke.

That makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the information.
But no doubt accomplish more “work” than MTG and George Santos (or whatever is real name is). o_O

Nah, they can at least physically be present on the Senate floor.

And doing nothing would be better than having special interests submitting work on his behalf.
Hopefully he's feeling better soon. The stroke was less than one year ago, and a common side effect is depression. This is can be due to both biochemical changes in the brain, and/or the person adjusting to the psychological impact of the stroke.

Seizures are common as well, post stroke. Hopefully, he won't be saddled with that difficulty as well.

I wish him the best of luck for his recovery on a personal basis.