[201] Monster! LIVE Reaction Thread!!

Oh believe me, I am not complaining! I certainly appreciate the depth in which he answers and even more so I appreciate that he does not "answer" every question with some cryptic BS. And while I like Scott Gimple, that cryptic shit is getting a bit old and worn....a new schtick is needed
I'm one of the biggest Gimple fanboys on this entire forum but even I think his non-answering is half terrible half hilarious. He's been given trolling lessons from the king of trolls himself: Trollbert Kirkman.

Hardwick: Will the show continue to follow Rick next season?
Gimple: um... Well, it's hard to say. I mean, I think this show, overall, is Rick and Carl's story... But at the same time it could help to branch the story out and follow other stories. And we have said that Negan being introduced will change the show forever. Maybe we go back to the beginning of the outbreak and follow Negan for six seasons and then season 13 premiers and we expect nobody to notice Chandler Riggs is twenty and everyone else is as old as my beard makes me look. OR, maybe the story does stay with Rick, who has been in a coma the whole time, and the shock of his dream of Negan knocks him into another dream where he dreams of himself starting the zombie apocalypse again but this time he envisions himself as Tom Hardy. Who knows? I-- it could go either way. So, basically, to answer the original question...
[commercial break]
Kirkman: oh, and can I just add: Spencer has guts. *trollface*
Well, the teenagers were annoying, but that's only natural. Alicia is doing stupid things, but again, I remember myself at this age - I would totally do the same thing.
As for adults - I was surprised that Madison wanted to save those ppl on the first boat, I thought she was already in survival mode. But then again, it is a natural reaction, and she did accept Strand's point of view rather quick. Everything else looked pretty OK with me. It's not like in TWD 1 season our gang were acting all that smart, with camping in the woods in zombie apocalypse, and so on.
Oh, another thing that made me /facepalm - is why don't they have any knives or anything, at least on the beach. Couldn't at least Travis grab something on the kitchen, or from the toolbox? Fighting with rocks and bare fists... yeah
I don't really understand why everyone ~hates~ Chris so much. I mean, he's a kid. We can assume he isn't old enough to drive yet meaning he's likely in his early teens; 14/ 15? He's young, he's in the midst of a f****** apocalypse (not sure if we can swear although I wouldn't know why not), and he just lost his mother very suddenly and tragically, just moments after breathing a sigh of relief thinking they'd retrieved her and all was well. The kid is going through a lot.

Furthermore, though, he's got balls and he's had 'em from the start. He helped save Alicia from Susan when she almost got bitten, stood up to three armed soldiers to protect the vehicle, and even punched one in the face when he acted inappropriately toward Alicia.

He's moping around but I feel that's warranted. At least for a bjt. But he's stepped up to put himself in danger protecting others in the show more than once already, I see room for character development here.
On the other hand, something needs to be done with Alicia. I like her as an actress and there is potential for her character and absolutely nothing is being done. I feel for her, but at this point she is definitely very low on my list of characters I care about.

It is very apparent already that Travis is going to change in a very drastic way -- his old philosophies are pretty much history at this point.

Nick is definitely my favorite by far. No complaints there!
I don't really understand why everyone ~hates~ Chris so much. I mean, he's a kid. We can assume he isn't old enough to drive yet meaning he's likely in his early teens; 14/ 15? He's young, he's in the midst of a f****** apocalypse (not sure if we can swear although I wouldn't know why not), and he just lost his mother very suddenly and tragically, just moments after breathing a sigh of relief thinking they'd retrieved her and all was well. The kid is going through a lot.

Furthermore, though, he's got balls and he's had 'em from the start. He helped save Alicia from Susan when she almost got bitten, stood up to three armed soldiers to protect the vehicle, and even punched one in the face when he acted inappropriately toward Alicia.

He's moping around but I feel that's warranted. At least for a bjt. But he's stepped up to put himself in danger protecting others in the show more than once already, I see room for character development here.
And he propelled that walker
And he propelled that walker

When I saw that I wondered how that Walker kept that hat on after becoming a walker. I don't think I can ever remember a Walker having a hat on(not counting riot gear helmets.) The Walker looked like he had been dead for at least a day so it makes me wonder how he kept it on.

Thank You~Jay
I think Strand should have killed Salazar right off the bat. It would have kept everyone in line and then he would not have needed to bestow his 3 fightclub-like rules upon the rest of his crew mates. They still think it's Ok to question him. it's not. Stand needs to run his ship with an Iron fist. I believe he will torture Alicia for her infraction. I can't wait for next weeks episode. It's going to be vicious.

Thank You~Jay
I respectfully disagree. Although Salazar and Strand are different they have the same mindset where survival is concerned. Weigh assets against liabilities, prepare, plan and above all act when it is time. Salazar is an asset to Strand, but again, a dangerous pet to have.
I respectfully disagree. Although Salazar and Strand are different they have the same mindset where survival is concerned. Weigh assets against liabilities, prepare, plan and above all act when it is time. Salazar is an asset to Strand, but again, a dangerous pet to have.

I see where you are coming from, right now Salazar is probably the most combat ready person on the ship which makes him Strand's biggest asset but also biggest threat.

When I woke up today I thought of a number of different options for Strand. First off would be to kill Salazar, have Nick Slit his stepdad's throat in his sleep and brand Alicia as punishment for her dumb infraction and keep Ofelia as a sex slave/bargaining chip to get an engineer/mechanic, doctor, and some battle tested soldiers on the ship. That way everyone will fall in line quick with no bullshit because they know he isn't paying games.

You're probably thinking "why would Nick kill Travis?" Well the answer to that question is that Strand would tell him Madison is a goner if he does not play along. He is already giving him a gift by not killing Alicia, so don't make him go kill Madison now. Eventually he would make Nick his right hand man and that girl from Flight 462 his head of security.

Finally there is punk-ass Chris. Strand should make Nick tell him that he is now the Yacht's cook and custodian and if he doesn't it he can go back in the water and mourn there as they drive away. Obviously there would be new threats on land and sea but if they fall in line with Strand's plan everything would be alright I think. Hopefully the group can acquire a rocket launcher, chain gun or even a cannon and then they would be fine. Maybe find some island and just do runs a couple times a year for needs and maybe a discreet kidnapping here and there to improve their numbers. what you think?

Thank You~Jay
I see where you are coming from, right now Salazar is probably the most combat ready person on the ship which makes him Strand's biggest asset but also biggest threat.

When I woke up today I thought of a number of different options for Strand. First off would be to kill Salazar, have Nick Slit his stepdad's throat in his sleep and brand Alicia as punishment for her dumb infraction and keep Ofelia as a sex slave/bargaining chip to get an engineer/mechanic, doctor, and some battle tested soldiers on the ship. That way everyone will fall in line quick with no bullshit because they know he isn't paying games.

You're probably thinking "why would Nick kill Travis?" Well the answer to that question is that Strand would tell him Madison is a goner if he does not play along. He is already giving him a gift by not killing Alicia, so don't make him go kill Madison now. Eventually he would make Nick his right hand man and that girl from Flight 462 his head of security.

Finally there is punk-ass Chris. Strand should make Nick tell him that he is now the Yacht's cook and custodian and if he doesn't it he can go back in the water and mourn there as they drive away. Obviously there would be new threats on land and sea but if they fall in line with Strand's plan everything would be alright I think. Hopefully the group can acquire a rocket launcher, chain gun or even a cannon and then they would be fine. Maybe find some island and just do runs a couple times a year for needs and maybe a discreet kidnapping here and there to improve their numbers. what you think?

Thank You~Jay
I'm NEVER going on a booze-cruise with you.
I was surprised that Madison wanted to save those ppl on the first boat, I thought she was already in survival mode. But then again, it is a natural reaction, and she did accept Strand's point of view rather quick.
The showrunner says Madison is feeling some guilt about having abandoned her neighbors to their fate after seeing the firebombing of the city, but I think she is a survivor at heart.
I don't really understand why everyone ~hates~ Chris so much. I mean, he's a kid. We can assume he isn't old enough to drive yet meaning he's likely in his early teens; 14/ 15? He's young, he's in the midst of a f****** apocalypse (not sure if we can swear although I wouldn't know why not), and he just lost his mother very suddenly and tragically, just moments after breathing a sigh of relief thinking they'd retrieved her and all was well. The kid is going through a lot.

Furthermore, though, he's got balls and he's had 'em from the start. He helped save Alicia from Susan when she almost got bitten, stood up to three armed soldiers to protect the vehicle, and even punched one in the face when he acted inappropriately toward Alicia.

He's moping around but I feel that's warranted. At least for a bjt. But he's stepped up to put himself in danger protecting others in the show more than once already, I see room for character development here.
Not to mention he just watched his pacifist English teacher father beat a guy half to death for shooting a member of their crew, and then his dad shot his mom in the head to prevent her turning. So his relationship with the only remaining member of his family is an even bigger mess than it was post-divorce and pre-apocalypse. Chris gets on my damn nerves, but everything you said is true. It's why I say he has the heart of a lion.
Nick noticed that the boat walker was distracted by sounds

It seems that Nick notices a lot. During one of the promos, it seems to show him walking right up to a walker face-to-face, covered in blood. Quite likely he's the first of the group to realize covering yourself in zombie blood & guts camouflages you.
Strand is just one guy, plus Strand is JUST ONE GUY. So Strand needs them and they CERTAINLY need Strand (or Strand's boat and knowledge that comes with it)

I think Strand should have killed Salazar right off the bat. It would have kept everyone in line and then he would not have needed to bestow his 3 fightclub-like rules upon the rest of his crew mates. They still think it's Ok to question him. it's not. Stand needs to run his ship with an Iron fist. I believe he will torture Alicia for her infraction. I can't wait for next weeks episode. It's going to be vicious.

Thank You~Jay
2 people is the minimum I would think to run that boat (one to sleep/look out, one to drive/look out). I think Strand is content with the current situation. Until someone does something to compromises his plans *cough* Alicia *cough*. Strand is being very responsible, the group doesn't even HAVE to contribute, just dont f*ck up/compromise his plans.

Do you think Strand could do it with him and another guy? Thank You~Jay
2 people is the minimum I would think to run that boat (one to sleep/look out, one to drive/look out). I think Strand is content with the current situation. Until someone does something to compromises his plans *cough* Alicia *cough*. Strand is being very responsible, the group doesn't even HAVE to contribute, just dont f*ck up/compromise his plans.

I guess you missed what I was getting at, Could Strand and The Dogg(T-Dogg) run a ship together?

Thank You~Jay