Tony Davis
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  • Hey bud! It's me again, it's been a while. I just wanted to make a post about my feelings on Dwight's death, and that's done, so go ahead and ban me. I know the drill.
    Hi Tony, i'm new to chatting online, forums, I have been trying to chat to people about TWD but without much luck, can you help me??
    In the movie section, I started a thread for the Justice league movie with Spoilers in the title and a spoiler warning in the opening post. Is this sufficient, or do I still need to spoiler tag anything I reveal from the movie?
    Can I have my name changed to Deadpool? It wouldnt let me register as it, and I dont see an active member with the name.
    That was perhaps the awkwardest, clumsiest, least sexy stripping scene I've ever watched in my entire life. But still, it was saved by Kacey Rohl :)
    That was perhaps the awkwardest, clumsiest, least sexy stripping scene I've ever watched in my entire life. But still, it was saved by Kacey Rohl :)
    Hello. I just wanted to apologize for the Trailer thread I made in the spoilers section. I did not realize the official thread was in the TV section. I expected there to be one in the Spoilers section, but I thought wrong. I also did not think about the Companion thread. It's ironic, since I made that thread anyway. I made a stupid mistake and for that, I apologize. Thank you for closing that thread.
    Hello. I just wanted to apologize for the Trailer thread I made in the spoilers section. I did not realize the official thread was in the TV section. I expected there to be one in the Spoilers section, but I thought wrong. I also did not think about the Companion thread. It's ironic, since I made that thread anyway. I made a stupid mistake and for that, I apologize. Thank you for closing that thread.
    Hey Mr. Davis!! I have been trying to find a thread for the Dead Yourself App from AMC here on the forum. I know one MUST have been created.....can you link me if such a thread exists?? Much Thanks:Grin:
    Hey Mr. Davis!! I have been trying to find a thread for the Dead Yourself App from AMC here on the forum. I know one MUST have been created.....can you link me if such a thread exists?? Much Thanks:Grin:
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