Destiny: Rise Of Iron Has PS4-Exclusive Content
Today Destiny: The Collection was announced — if you’ve been thinking about joining the party but figured it was too late, Activision’s created a great jump-in point. You’d have to decide which machine to play it on, though, and Sony wants to make sure that’s the PS4, so they greased Bungie’s palms awhile back for some exclusive content.
That content will show up in Rise of Iron, the new expansion that’s included with Destiny: The Collection. It includes a quest line called “Show of Strength” which we don’t know much about. We have the official in-game description; decipher it if you can:
While you serve the Vanguard in the Plaguelands, I wonder if you’d be so kind as to help me understand the more brutal aspects of the Devil Splicers’ brand of worship.
Finish that quest and you may be rewarded with the PS4-exclusive ship seen above, the Timeless Tereshkova. There’s one more bit of PS4 exclusivity as well: a Crucible map called Icarus will take you to the Languid Sea on Mercury. It’s an arena composed of an outer area encircling an inner chamber, and Bungie tells us it’s designed for six-on-six battles.
If you’d like to play some of these things but remain devoted to the XBox One, the PS4 exclusivity period is temporary and will expire in a year, so…just wait. Destiny: Rise of Iron comes out September 20.