You Can Still Play The Free E3 Doom Demo
Last Sunday, during the E3 presentation from Bethesda Games, they announced the first level of Doom would be playable for all owners of Playstation 4, XBox One or a PC (with proper specs). Got one? You can still play Doom.
It was thought that Bethesda would be pulling the demo after E3 ended, but they’ve decided to keep it going a little longer. Go to the marketplace for your machine of choice and get Doom before time runs out. If you like the demo, the full thing is out. Critics loved the single-player, but were less kind to the multiplayer. The E3 demo is from the single-player portion.
It’s unknown how long Bethesda will be keeping the Doom E3 trailer available. The studio has announced additional expansions will be coming to the full game soon.