The Walking Dead: Just Tomorrow Interactive Series

Emily or Pam?

  • Chop off Emily's arm.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't chop off Emily's arm.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
(Hey, guys! Sorry, this thread is probably going to suck, but I would just like to say welcome, and give you a little explanation of what this little interactive series is going to look like. First off, any readers are allowed to submit original characters, with you deciding their role in the story! I already have a pre- determined plot written, but it is fully flexible and will morph to fit your character's desires. Bear in mind; You do not get to control your characters' actions, but I will be accepting advice on what to do with certain characters. Another power you have as readers is the ability to make choices regarding the current 'main character' of the series. I plan on the format of this series to be consisting of episodes released in six parts, with the end of each part besides part six to have a choice that the readers can vote on. Each episode will have a new character to be controlled, but the plot will mostly revolve around in the main group of survivors two years in to the ZA. Ties in the voting will be decided by me. The main character for the prolouge will be my OC, as I don't plan on having much activity on this thread in the beginning. Anyways, I encourage you too submit as many OC's as you want, because I will need TONS in beginning. I will post the prolog sometime tomorrow (maybe tonight if I can stay awake). I hope to see people enjoying---)

The Walking Dead:
Just Tomorrow
Episode One: Built to Exhaust
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Oh, sorry! The Prologue will be out soon, I'd thought I'd show you the kind of stuff I'm expecting from a character submit.





Backstory (life before the apocalypse):

Choice of weapons/ combat:


Where you'd like to see your characters:
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(My sincerest apologies for this coming up late- I was typing it last night, but my stupid computer crashed and I lost all my progress.)

The choice you make here will not only affect episode one, Walt’s Episode; but the entirety of the story. I am looking for a best of three majority.

It is a dream of many men to have two loving, beautiful women desire and fight over him. To Walter Pressley, his once- fantasy had turned into a living hell.
At the start of the outbreak, Walt was one of the lucky ones. He had managed to find and save his amazing wife Emily and his all- star son James from the ruin of their town in central Texas. After that, Walt and his family began driving up north, towards Washington, in hope that there they could have found some remnants of civilization. They were all scared, but they kept together because they loved each other.
I doubt Walt would even remember how James died. All he knew is that one day, James was there, talking about how excited he was to have found an issue of his favorite comic book in the bag of one of the dead in the grocery store, but the next minute, he was gone, and Walt and Emily had to burn his body.
That day, Walt felt like he died. His little boy, his greatest love wasn’t there to brighten his day anymore. Walt wanted to just hide in a hole and wait until one of the dead got him. He felt like that was what he deserved. He would've probably done just that, too, if it wasn’t for Emily.
Emily was in emotional pain, too, but she kept moving. She refused to give up, because she knew James would of never given up if she had died. She drove the RV sleepless nights on end, went on supply runs, and defended her and her husband from hundreds of the “walkers”, as she had dubbed them, all while her husband just layed on a couch in the RV, refusing to cooperate. Emily did it all for him, and the hope that she would see her husband smile once again. Walt didn’t care. He knew he could never live with himself on this broken world ever again.
But then, Walt had met Pam Flask.
As soon as Walt had laid eyes on the beautiful girl desperately knocking on their window for help in the middle of the night, he felt his heart leap up in joy. She was young: looked to be only in her late 20’s, which was about 12 years younger than Walt, so at first Emily assumed he had invited Pam along because he felt like he needed someone younger than him to protect, but she quickly realized this was not the case. She began to see a flirtatious relationship between her two companions blossom hesitantly, at first, until it became painfully obvious that a love had formed between the two. And when they had both gone off together for a supply run, but had come back completely empty- handed, she knew what they had done. Walt broke her heart, but she still decided to stay with Walt and Pam. She cared about Walt and his happiness so much, she let them stay together.
After Walt and Pam realized the emotional toll they had on Emily, they began to become much more hesitant with their relationship. Walt was in love with Emily; he was in love with both of them, and Pam was too sweet and innocent to keep hurting Emily’s feelings. So for a long time, they continued to live with each other, feeling awkward and unsure of how to communicate with each other. Walt knew that he had to make a choice one day, or if it came to it, wait until one of them was dead…

Walt, Emily, and Pam rushed into Aunt Mel's Diner right before the walkers were able to catch up to them. Walt slammed into the door, desperately trying to keep them out, while Pam grabbed an old- fashioned wooden cane near the door and jammed it into the door handles. Walt fell to the ground, as did his companions, as they all began gulping for the air they had lost from running in the last 20 minutes. For a minute, all they could here was each other’s breaths, the sound of the rain and thunder in the sky, and the hellish moaning from the once- human abominations on the other side of the door.
After they had all caught their breaths, Emily jumped up frantically and turned and turned to face Pam. “You stupid @#$%^&* @#$%^! Do you realize you just cost us our RV, and all the valuable supplies in it?!”
As Pam backed away in fright, tears beginning to form on the brink of her eyes, Walt violently grabbed his wife by the shoulder and turned her to face him. “Now calm down for just a @#$%^&* second here, Em--”
“Calm down?!” Emily screamed, “How the hell am I supposed to @#$%^&* calm down?! Your girlfriend almost got all us killed, and made us lose the RV to that horde! How are we supposed to find supplies now?!”
“We find them, we steal them, we make them, we pray for them, anything it takes!” Walt yelled back.
“I’m sorry! How was I supposed to know there would be that many at the store?! I just wanted for you guys to come back to the RV!” Pam yelled in fear.
“So you pressed the @#$%^&* horn?! Jesus, Walt, you sure picked a dumb one!”
Pam put her hands over her eyes as she started to sob. Walt felt himself clench his fists. “Hey Em- could you do me a favor and stop @#$%^&* talking?” He asked in a gruff tone.
Emily looked at her husband with obvious hurt in her eyes. “Okay-- listen, Pam. I’m sorry for being so harsh. But imagine how much it would hurt me and Walt if we- if we lost you.” She turned to look at Walt again. “We couldn’t survive.” Emily then picked up the bag they had filled with medical supplies from the pharmacy and began to walk to one of the booths. Walt wanted to reach out for her, but he decided he couldn’t, and turned his head away.
Emily walked away slowly, kind of trudging, with her shoulders hunched and arms dangling. She found herself crying. She wished more than anything she could have her husband back. If only we hadn’t picked up Pam on the road… she thought to herself before she heard a cracking sound from the window next to her. As she turned to look, she saw the entire window break open, and a walker jump in. She felt searing pain as it bit into her shoulder. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” She screamed as she fell to the floor. Walkers started to pour into the diner. She saw Walt and Pam rush in front of her and begin to shoot and hack their way through the horde. After about 5 minutes, the diner was completely clear.
Pam leaned over her and saw the bite mark on Emily’s shoulder. She covered her mouth in shock. “Oh my God- I’m so, so sorry--” She pulled out the knife she had been using on the zombies. “So, so sorry.”
Right before Pam could slam the knife into Emily’s face, Walt called out, “No!” and fired off the handgun he had been using. The bullet rushed into Pam’s chest. She collapsed to the floor.
Emily slowly rose off the ground to see Walt kneeling in a pile of zombie corpses, hands on his head, tears coming out of his eyes. Emily slowly crept towards him. “Walt- honey- it’s okay, it’s okay. I can use those supplies we found to save her. It’s okay.”
Tears and snot fell down Walt’s face. “No, no, no, no, no. It’s not okay. We have to cut your arm off, honey, it’s the only way. The only way…”
Emily leaned forward and grabbed Walt’s face. “You love her, honey. I know you do. You're no doctor. I've done this before. Let me save her for you.”
Walt shook his head violently. “No! You- you can’t do this Em. You can’t sacrifice yourself for her.” He slowly rose to his face and drew a meat cleaver from his belt. “I have to take it off.”
“No! I have, I have to, I have to…”
“Walt-- I love you with all my heart. But this isn’t about me. It’s about you two. I can’t save her with only one arm. You have to let me do this.”

Time for the Viewers to Choose

  • Chop of Emily’s arm (saving Emily)
  • Don’t Chop off Emily’s arm (saving Pam)

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I'm hoping to see not only some votes, but character submissions as well. After I get three votes and at least three submissions, the first part will come up.
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