
Zombie Shiva

New Member
Does anyone else want to see a zombie Shiva let loose against our survivors eventually? Robert Kirkman announced that Charlie Adlard doesn't enjoy drawing animals, but now we have Shiva may be he'll experiment and we'll get to see an epic zombie tiger! Hopefully we get to spend a bit more time with her before though, there is potential for some epic zombie kills but would Shiva get infected if she ate a zombie?
Also what do you think the story behind Shiva is and how Ezekiel managed to get her and control her? Did he pick her up from a zoo or how else did he get her? How long have they been together and is she the reason he was able to become king?
Robert said in another interview he thought zombie animals would be too unrealistic so we probably wont be seeing any in the future..
I'm guessing Ezekiel owned some type of zoo or circus or something, which is why he was able to obtain Shiva. You can see the authority figure in him, like he's that type of person who you can see being a leader, like Rick. So he's probably always been the leader type of guy, but the Tiger gave him extra props though. I'm also guessing Zeke doesn't let Shiva loose on walkers, for the fear she might turn, but she's really there mostly to intimidate others.
If there were zombie animals everyone and I mean everyone would be zombified. I mean zombie mosquitoes, ravens, gophers, head lice, and ant eaters...yeah we'd all be sooooooo doomed.
Why doesn't Ezekiel put some armor on the tiger?

Then we'd have an invincible tiger running around eating your people and killing the zombies.
Why doesn't Ezekiel put some armor on the tiger?

Then we'd have an invincible tiger running around eating your people and killing the zombies.


Robert said in another interview he thought zombie animals would be too unrealistic so we probably wont be seeing any in the future..

I thought that was said about the TV show. However, in a ZA, animals would go down first as food for the hordes of zombies..