Seriously, nobody's read #108 yet?


Well-Known Member
I may be missing the thread, but anyway...

I knew he was a leader, loads of people though he was an ex-saviour. I didn't think he would have a real tiger though that's kind of insane. Is Dwight going to join Rick and become Daryley, I hope so lol
Going too read it in a moment :p Just finished issue 107 yesterday so seems like it's perfect timing for a new issue to be released.
Dunno how spoilery what I'm saying is, so I'm gonna put it all in spoilers.

No trust for Dwight from me... He can gain it though. I think Rick needs to learn to be a bit more cagey and not just fly off the handle, keep his cards close to his chest, getting in fights keeps getting him in trouble. I mean terrible first impression at Hilltop, now terrible first impression in the Kingdom.

I am worried about Spencer, I have no idea what he will do after that weird bit in the church, but it will be f*cking stupid, and we all know it.
just finished it.

already love Ezekiel. i wouldnt say hes arrogant but just his mannerisms and the way he talks and crowning himself as king of a "kingdom" its all very, i guess eccentric. annnnd....HE HAS AN ACTUAL FRIGGIN TIGER! cant wait to see him, Ezekiel that is (even tho it would be sweet to see a tiger take some people or even walkers out), in action

this Dwight scenario should be interesting tho. im skeptical but i truly think he just wants to get his wife back. but Negan knew he was going out, so maybe he did send him to The Kingdom. that or Dwight came up with an excuse to leave so he could go there. i did get a nice laugh out of the ping pong tho lol

i like that theyre giving us short glimpses into life at Alexandria while other shit is goin down. got scared for Carl for a second there, hopefully they retrieve the hat. the lil bit with Andrea and Michonne was nice too. good to kno Michonne sluttyness is out of character for her. and ****in Spencer. i never liked anyone int that family. probly gonna try to kill Rick, cant think of anything else hed try to do
Dunno how spoilery what I'm saying is, so I'm gonna put it all in spoilers.

No trust for Dwight from me... He can gain it though. I think Rick needs to learn to be a bit more cagey and not just fly off the handle, keep his cards close to his chest, getting in fights keeps getting him in trouble. I mean terrible first impression at Hilltop, now terrible first impression in the Kingdom.

I am worried about Spencer, I have no idea what he will do after that weird bit in the church, but it will be f*cking stupid, and we all know it.

I dunno if I can trust Dwight yet, I'm leaning towards yes but we shall see. Your right about Rick he's getting kind of nuts hopefully Ezekial will be able to teach him to calm back down again. I loved Michonne and Carl's bit that was cool, nice to see some Andrea and Michonne interaction as well after how much we've seen in the show.
just finished it.

already love Ezekiel. i wouldnt say hes arrogant but just his mannerisms and the way he talks and crowning himself as king of a "kingdom" its all very, i guess eccentric. annnnd....HE HAS AN ACTUAL FRIGGIN TIGER! cant wait to see him, Ezekiel that is (even tho it would be sweet to see a tiger take some people or even walkers out), in action

this Dwight scenario should be interesting tho. im skeptical but i truly think he just wants to get his wife back. but Negan knew he was going out, so maybe he did send him to The Kingdom. that or Dwight came up with an excuse to leave so he could go there. i did get a nice laugh out of the ping pong tho lol

i like that theyre giving us short glimpses into life at Alexandria while other shit is goin down. got scared for Carl for a second there, hopefully they retrieve the hat. the lil bit with Andrea and Michonne was nice too. good to kno Michonne sluttyness is out of character for her. and ****in Spencer. i never liked anyone int that family. probly gonna try to kill Rick, cant think of anything else hed try to do

I honestly thought Carl was going to die, I heard there was going to be a character death and you know nobody's safe. I can't wait to see Ezekiel and Shiva in action!
I dunno if I can trust Dwight yet, I'm leaning towards yes but we shall see. Your right about Rick he's getting kind of nuts hopefully Ezekial will be able to teach him to calm back down again. I loved Michonne and Carl's bit that was cool, nice to see some Andrea and Michonne interaction as well after how much we've seen in the show.

I think Dwight is 100% over Negan, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to be a barbaric imbecile who can't handle a more civilised group.

Yeah The Michonne / Andrea bit was good I can see them becoming very close, I'm glad Michonne expressed regret for the Heath incident as well, shows her character getting a bit more adjusted.

Now you mentioned the Carl bit, I find myself quite worried that his blind spot will become a recurring hindrance to him. Hopefully he remains more aware in the future.
I thought Ezekiel was a douche. I think someone who enjoys power that much is dangerous. I loved the Michonne and Carl bit. Momma Michonne, perfect Mom for a ZA. I think if we hadn't had the bit at the start with Negan and his ping pong titties comment I might not be willing to trust Dwight but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt for now.
Dunno how spoilery what I'm saying is, so I'm gonna put it all in spoilers.

No trust for Dwight from me... He can gain it though. I think Rick needs to learn to be a bit more cagey and not just fly off the handle, keep his cards close to his chest, getting in fights keeps getting him in trouble. I mean terrible first impression at Hilltop, now terrible first impression in the Kingdom.

I am worried about Spencer, I have no idea what he will do after that weird bit in the church, but it will be f*cking stupid, and we all know it.

After actually seeing the iron to the face procedure, I'm going to trust Dwight a bit more than I would have trusted him without having that knowledge. I also think I'd find/make an eyepatch for that giant hole in Carl's face. It really is starting to freak me out especially with Negan and the saviors around. I keep thinking someone is literally going to skull **** Carl.
I honestly thought Carl was going to die, I heard there was going to be a character death and you know nobody's safe. I can't wait to see Ezekiel and Shiva in action!

for a moment so did i. but i still think Carl will outlive Rick. and yea i didnt even think about how much more Andrea-Michonne interaction we got on the show as compared to the comics.

and i agree [MENTION=5948]Morgan Jones[/MENTION] Rick has been acting/punching first and thinking later in alot of confrontations lately. the hilltop, getting Carl back from Negan, now Dwight. i think now hes not quite as crazy as he is unstable and stressed.
I thought Ezekiel was a douche. I think someone who enjoys power that much is dangerous. I loved the Michonne and Carl bit. Momma Michonne, perfect Mom for a ZA. I think if we hadn't had the bit at the start with Negan and his ping pong titties comment I might not be willing to trust Dwight but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt for now.

Douche you say? I really liked him I reckon he's a good guy, perfect grandad for a ZA ;)
for a moment so did i. but i still think Carl will outlive Rick. and yea i didnt even think about how much more Andrea-Michonne interaction we got on the show as compared to the comics.

and i agree @Morgan Jones Rick has been acting/punching first and thinking later in alot of confrontations lately. the hilltop, getting Carl back from Negan, now Dwight. i think now hes not quite as crazy as he is unstable and stressed.

It's very possible especially if the series can keep going for another 10-20 years but not certain! They're both so much cooler in the comics as well, my two favourite living characters. I find it convenient that Comic Rick and show Rick are going crazy at the same time...
I thought Ezekiel was a douche. I think someone who enjoys power that much is dangerous. I loved the Michonne and Carl bit. Momma Michonne, perfect Mom for a ZA. I think if we hadn't had the bit at the start with Negan and his ping pong titties comment I might not be willing to trust Dwight but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt for now.

id call him more eccentric, maybe even arrogant but i wouldnt say hes a douche or drunk with power. i mean the guy has a pet tiger hes bound to be a lil out there. well see tho. i think him and Jesus and even Dwight make the Savior arc much more interesting. otherwise it would just be Rick and co vs. Negan and The Saviors with the Hilltop on the sideline.
Douche you say? I really liked him I reckon he's a good guy, perfect grandad for a ZA ;)

Delusions of grandeur! All that kingdom, your majesty stuff was crazy. If I was standing behind him while he was saying that stuff I'd be doing the jerking off motion.
I did not get a great first impression. I thought it was a bit goofy but I am definitely intrigued by the whole kingdom. Just thought the pimp king with the tiger sitting in the school auditorium was a bit crazy cray.
Delusions of grandeur! All that kingdom, your majesty stuff was crazy. If I was standing behind him while he was saying that stuff I'd be doing the jerking off motion.
I did not get a great first impression. I thought it was a bit goofy but I am definitely intrigued by the whole kingdom. Just thought the pimp king with the tiger sitting in the school auditorium was a bit crazy cray.

I'm not sure how I feel about the school they already have Alexandria and Hilltop. I want them all to be in one place the school would be best imo but that would mean A&H would have to get overrun.
I'm not sure how I feel about the school they already have Alexandria and Hilltop. I want them all to be in one place the school would be best imo but that would mean A&H would have to get overrun.

i dont want them to get too outta control with the communities, it is the apocalypse after all, but i do like that theres been more and bigger groups entering the picture. having it always be Rick & Co vs some threat would get stale.

i want Alexandria to stay a while, but i want the Hilltop to be overrun or the Saviors take over or some shit. cant stand Gregory and it would be nice to have Maggie and Sophia back with the group. altho long term it would be cool to have the group on the road again.
i dont want them to get too outta control with the communities, it is the apocalypse after all, but i do like that theres been more and bigger groups entering the picture. having it always be Rick & Co vs some threat would get stale.

i want Alexandria to stay a while, but i want the Hilltop to be overrun or the Saviors take over or some shit. cant stand Gregory and it would be nice to have Maggie and Sophia back with the group. altho long term it would be cool to have the group on the road again.

I agree Hilltop and Alexandria should merge together
id call him more eccentric, maybe even arrogant but i wouldnt say hes a douche or drunk with power. i mean the guy has a pet tiger hes bound to be a lil out there. well see tho. i think him and Jesus and even Dwight make the Savior arc much more interesting. otherwise it would just be Rick and co vs. Negan and The Saviors with the Hilltop on the sideline.
No not drunk with power but just enjoys it too much which I don't trust. I don't not like the storyline. I really like that Kirkman has written Ezekiel as some kind of crazy eccentric. I just don't think Ezekiel is some awesome cool dude. I think guys like him who expect others to treat them like kings ;) are douchey. A good leader does not make the people he leads feel like they are lesser persons. I think working with him is going to be difficult for Rick and will make for good drama.