Rate The Damn Monster!!

Rate the ugly troll!!

  • Nailed the Monster Mash!!

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • 9

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • 8

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • Eh, maybe a Monster's ball, without bean dip

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • 6

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • 5

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Meh, more like a Monster Employee Brunch

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 3

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • This gave me a monster headache

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
9. I thought it was a very solid start to season 2.
I love the direction the show is going with potential pirates and all, and I must give the writers a lot of credit for showing scenery that we never saw in TWD....I also thought the dialog was good...people were having actual conversations and not the long drawn out speeches we get a lot of in TWD.
I give this episode a 9, too. I'm thrilled that Fear is back and it was so refreshing to see be on the sea! The scenes with Nick and Chris in the water seriously had me on the edge of my seat. I knew something was going to go wrong. Though I'm sad we didn't get to see Charlie in this episode, it was a very strong opener to the season. Could have done with an extra 20 minutes, to be honest.
It was a really good episode. I give it an 8. You can really tell the difference in pacing of the two series since TWD just finished up last week but they definitely did move the plot forward. I still like the acting on this show better though and I'm looking forward to seeing how this group deals with their first real outside enemy group.
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I give it a 7. Great start to the second season, but I have a hard time getting into it.
I surprised myself by rating it a 9. I thought this episode was better than any of those from S1. Really looking forward to finding out the story behind the shot up boat, hope the log give a clue.
Id give it an 8 was a solid episode it gets me more excited for the coming episodes. I'm wondering if it was the military that shot that boat down that was a lot of bullet holes for it to be some other survivors.
I am going back and forth between a solid 7 and weak 8

The solid 7 is simply (and quite silly of me I admit) due to my disdain for Chris this episode.

The weak 8 because while I think it was a fairly solid episode there just seemed to be parts that felt forced. And when I think of those parts they seem to involve Chris. The shoving of him mother's body into the ocean. Not willing to leave her body yet willing to sit idly by and watch his father try to fend off walkers with a freakin' rock! And last but not least - jumping into the ocean in what seemed like a moment of complete randomness.

Other than those minor grievances I enjoyed the episode, so I will go with the weak 8 rating
Id give it an 8 was a solid episode it gets me more excited for the coming episodes. I'm wondering if it was the military that shot that boat down that was a lot of bullet holes for it to be some other survivors.
I was under the impression that the person/s who shot up the downed boat are the same individuals that Alicia has unwittingly given their location to
I was under the impression that the person/s who shot up the downed boat are the same individuals that Alicia has unwittingly given their location to
Yeah but that's what they want us to believe! i think Jack and his family join our group,since he is in the promo. And looks to be getting involved with Alicia
Yeah but that's what they want us to believe! i think Jack and his family join our group,since he is in the promo. And looks to be getting involved with Alicia

Possibly - either way it is our first bit of mystery for the season, and that is a good thing :D
I went with a 7 too. It was a fairly solid episode but I have to admit I was hoping for a bit more action. Chris is annoying as hell yet and as Dnae noted, some of his actions feel disjointed. It definitely was a character development/building episode for most of the actors and I am fine with that... I also like the set up for next week.

We need Tobias!!
I am going back and forth between a solid 7 and weak 8

The solid 7 is simply (and quite silly of me I admit) due to my disdain for Chris this episode.

not silly at all ~ Chris was barf in this episode.
i liked everything else, even Alicia on the radio (and i can't stand her either ~ hahaha).
I gave it a ten, kept me at the edge my seat the entire time. Same with my wife. That being said, both Chris and Alicia are spoiled teens and they deserve the deaths I predict they will get soon!

Utter morons those two.
I gave it a 7. I'm thrilled the show's back and really excited for the season, but I actually found myself thinking "well, this is kinda boring" a few times during this episode. I'm not someone who needs to see fights with walker herds every week, but I felt like there was just a little too much time where everyone was staring out at the water throughout the episode. I also understood that they needed us to realize that time passed while Alicia was getting increasingly invested in the guy on the radio, but I found her scenes pretty boring, too.

On the plus side, Way To Go, Nick -- walker kill with an outboard motor! There's something we probably won't see on TWD :zombies_lol: I love his character.
I give it an 8. Found it interesting to be located at sea (nice for a change) and am starting to get into the characters a bit. Best FTWD so far, I would say...