

I have no idea if you can do it for this type of website, I'm more of an enjin many myself. I would like to see perhaps a chatroom if possible so I can catch people who come online. I literally come on every day and it's always a ghost town and I even leave the browser open.

Chatrooms help with:
-Player interaction
-Community Discussions
-Game Discussions
-And MORE!
Ive never been a fan of a Chatbox on a forum..all it leads too is taking away activity from within the forum itself because everyone just asks questions and rants in the chat box.

Then you got Moderation issues as not every moderator can be on 24/7.
I'm the same as Shane on this... the forum should remain a forum. keeps things on topic and easily moderated... a chatbox could potentially make the forum feel dead and unused even if its got 100s of people using it.
I take back what I said before. I feel that this community is going to grow WAY to much to have a chat box like minor gaming communities, but if there was forsay... IRC, then we could create rooms for support, general talk, etc and most people would not feel cluttered or cheesy while posting on the forum.
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