Beth Greene


I think that since Maggie lost one sister already, that Beth will hopefully last a few seasons.

Honestly I think Beth was the real replacement for T Dog. She'll be around for at least another season or 2 and just float by without saying much before getting axed.
I think Beth could actually be relatively safe. I think she basically is being saved to explore the whole Carl love interest thing as his character gets older (the actors going to age so the character will have to as well). I guess they could kill her off and bring in a different girl for that..but this seems to be a bit of a slow play to me.
I think she'll be around quite a while, she has been the most prominent person mothering Judith. It seems to me like she'll be around a while in that role.

I don't think she'll have her head split open for a while, at least until she gets a few kills protecting the kid.
she's obviously the replacement for Billy (only those who've read the comics will know). i just hope beth and billy dont share the same fate...
I think there is a good chance of that or eventually the other scene that went down with the two teens from Tyreese's group especially if Judith were to die and Beth does not.
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I think she'll be around quite a while, she has been the most prominent person mothering Judith. It seems to me like she'll be around a while in that role.

I don't think she'll have her head split open for a while, at least until she gets a few kills protecting the kid.
Anyone could do the mothering Judith, there's Carol, or in default (if she dies) there's Maggie, there would be always a woman to take care about Judith, I don't think Beth would be around for long in season 3, maybe some episodes but I don't think she will make it to season 4 or even season finale, but that's just my bet, I could be wrong.
I can see beth staying for a while. She dosent seem as important and could possibly be an easier person to kill off than the rest. but along the line, i can see her doing something game changing.
I'd really like to see them develop her character. Maybe bond with another character like Michonne who can teach her survival technique to turn her into a badass fighting machine. Sadly, I don't see this happening and its more likely she'll be zombie food soon but it would be neat if the writer took her character in that direction of turning her into a valuable member when it comes to fighting and zombie killing.
I thought there was going to be a story with her but that's unlikely now considering what and who that was going to involve but anyway, I can see her becoming zombie food in the not to distant future, possibly an end of Season death.