136 Discussion


Well-Known Member
Pretty good issue.

Fecal matter suddenly got genuine. All this talk of Carl thinking he's invincible, and that his hat has some supernatural, talisman-like power of protection, coupled with trailer-trash-in-trucker-hat's threats of killing "the boy", has me really worried for my boy. I swear, if they mutilate him again, or kill him, I'm going to lose it. It seems like it's foreshadowing something, and I'm worried he won't survive that something without his hat, but one the other hand, maybe the hat's new owner will save him from that something? Almost like his hoodoo, voodoo, big mojo medicine is with him whether he's wearing the hat, or someone else is.


@HondaS2kXD @Neuropyramidal @TheWalkingHorn @Sco @Z-Man @Tony Davis @Jag @Alec96 @ltomlinson31 @Sharpie61 @Taeyeon'sBF @kennyisalive94 @legendx66 @TGO @and138 @BatmansHooker

I apologize if I left anyone out of my mention bomb. I've been gone for a while(not that anyone noticed, LOL); and my memory is a little fuzzy. :P

Edit- I wanted to add, that also, as a part of this discussion; I would like everyone to weigh in on the original title for issue #136, which was abruptly changed the very same day the cover was initially released.

#136 "Watching the Neighbors", was quickly and quietly changed to #136 "Found". Do you think it was just a change of opinion? A mistake by a Skybound rookie? Did Kirkman think the title didn't have the affect he was looking for? Or maybe Kirkman thought that particular title gave something away? Or offered too much insight into future developments.

I for one, think maybe it gave away a little too much. Especially after reading Carl and Lydia's conversation about acceptance, and the two factions joining together, productive members of society and what not. Think about it, "Watching the Neighbors"; could be the Whisperer's become exactly that, neighbors to the Hilltop and the other communities rather than enemies, and Kirkman though he was tipping his hand a little too much with the original title.

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It was nice to finally see some interaction between Jesus and Alex. Every since Jesus sent the letter, and Alex surfaced as Doc Carson's assistant, I knew there was going to be some encounter or reconcilliation between them. But what I don't understand it why Jesus doesn't want him? I don't remember them ever breaking up or falling out, and I never got the distinct feeling that Alex and Wes were and item. Wes was the one who consoled him when Alex read the letter from Jesus, I didn't perceive them as intimate.

I guess this just chocks up to another glimpse deeper into the inner-workings of Paul "Jesus" Monroe. It harkens back to the beginning of "All Out War", when spineless Gregory attempt to make a backwards deal with Negan, which would result in the Hilltop withdrawing themselves from the war effort. Rick tells Jesus to go, that he would "understand completely"; to which Jesus replies-"All I have at the Hilltop are s bunch of books".

So, it seems for some reason Jesus is opposed to intimacy, and romance. He may fear being close to someone, not so much because he fears the intimacy, but the complete vulnerability that love creates. Being a captain of the guard, a warrior through and through, he can't bring himself to deal with the pain and strain of worrying, caring, loving, and eventually, hurting. Still, it sorts of upsets me that Jesus seemingly can't, or won't let himself have this important part of the human experience.
I'm actually starting to wonder, if Carl's role in the coming arc is going to be more diplomatic than I had originally thought.

I though this was going to be his "coming of age" arc, where he was going to man up, take the reins, rally and leads the troops into battle against the Whisperers. But I'm starting to think, that he will continue to grow closer to Lydia, then Gregory and his legion of halfwits will make their move. They may even succeed in capturing Maggie and her loyalists, and taking control, occupying Hilltop. But it will be briefly, because while they're knee deep in the middle of a hostile takeover and regime chance, the Whisperer's will make their move. They'll storm the gates, and cowardly Gregory won't know how to respond, all his followers will look to him for leadership and answers, but he will buckle just like he did in AOW. This will lead to almost immediate dissension in his ranks, and chaos, and ultimately massive amounts of casualties, including Gregory himself. But, in the midst of the chaos, a new prophetic, and long-destined leader will arise. Carl Grimes, accompanied by young Lydia will be the ones to bridge the gap between the two warring nations. In one fell swoop proving that Carl isn't the monster we all though he may become, showing that Rick's efforts, ideals, and principles took root deep within his son. As well as taking the story in an even fresher, new direction. Many readers are expecting another "AOW" type arc, as the survivors deal with the Whisperers. But I think Kirkman will surprise us all, having the conflict be settled very diplomatically, after some brief and tense "cold war" styled issues. But they will put aside their differences, forgive their transgressions against one another, and join forces, combine resources, expanding their nation, their control, and their hopes for reform even farther. I still think this could be where the ships, and the apocalyptic port comes from. I think this is an asset of the Whisperers, and after the brief tension, and ultimate joining of nations, Rick will now have access to a sea port and ships with which to explore, hunt and gather, and send envoys to reach out to other enclaves of survivors.

I think the days of war, and mass death, and hatred and anger are long gone. I think more people than just our beloved characters have begun to adopt the ideals of reform, and rebuilding civilization and society. While their will definitely be some initial conflict, I think everyone is ultimately dog-tired of that method.
Good issue! Lydia makes me nervous. I can't tell if she's being genuine, or trying to make Carl sympathise with her and use him. Especially with her people on the outside and lines like "Lydia's strong, she won't break." She's definitely not as innocent as Carl wants to believe that she is.

Andrea and Magna… I kind of liked them together. Interesting how in the space of a few issues they've gone from Magna ambushing Andrea in her home for answers, to gathering food and talking almost like friends.

Anyone else get the feeling from the letter hacks that Michonne will finally make her return in the next issue?

"Where's Michonne? Seriously, where's Michonne already?"

"Next month, something happens that a lot of you have requested… Though you folks have requested lots of bat shit things, so you're better off not jumping to conclusions. It's a good one."

Because I'm a rebel and choosing to ignore the part about jumping to conclusions… A few of us discussed in another thread a few days ago that a double issue month, such as March, might mean that something significant will happen. Doesn't seem outside of the realm of possibility that we'll end February's issue with a cliffhanger panel featuring Michonne.
Good issue! Lydia makes me nervous. I can't tell if she's being genuine, or trying to make Carl sympathise with her and use him. Especially with her people on the outside and lines like "Lydia's strong, she won't break." She's definitely not as innocent as Carl wants to believe that she is.

Andrea and Magna… I kind of liked them together. Interesting how in the space of a few issues they've gone from Magna ambushing Andrea in her home for answers, to gathering food and talking almost like friends.

Anyone else get the feeling from the letter hacks that Michonne will finally make her return in the next issue?

"Where's Michonne? Seriously, where's Michonne already?"

"Next month, something happens that a lot of you have requested… Though you folks have requested lots of bat shit things, so you're better off not jumping to conclusions. It's a good one."

Because I'm a rebel and choosing to ignore the part about jumping to conclusions… A few of us discussed in another thread a few days ago that a double issue month, such as March, might mean that something significant will happen. Doesn't seem outside of the realm of possibility that we'll end February's issue with a cliffhanger panel featuring Michonne.

I'm still holding onto Michonne being their leader, and therefore a villain. I'm still clinging to that one, albeit very loosely.

But this bit from the Hacks, coupled with the comments of-"Leader is coming......We wait."- from the Whisperer's recon team have given me another small glimmer of hope that Michonne may be the prophesied female villain.
I'm still holding onto Michonne being their leader, and therefore a villain. I'm still clinging to that one, albeit very loosely.

But this bit from the Hacks, coupled with the comments of-"Leader is coming......We wait."- from the Whisperer's recon team have given me another small glimmer of hope that Michonne may be the prophesied female villain.

That line struck me as odd as well. We already know they have names that they know each other by, but this Whisperer just says "Leader". Makes it sound like Kirkman is trying to hide their identity...

Also, "something happens that a lot of you have requested" - that can only mean one of two things: either Gregory dies a slow and painful death or Michonne comes back. My money's on Michonnne.

I didn't really think much of the Michonne/Whisperers theory at first, but it seems the pieces of the puzzle might be starting to come together and they're pointing to her as the next villain.
Thanks for the mention haven't read it yet I'll check back asap after work!!!!!!
Loved this issue, then again, I love every issue!
''Those families can f**k off'' -Maggie Greene'' Made me chuckle :zombies_lol:
That issue was

At first I was worried that Lydia might be really bad news. I was worried that she would really throw a wrench in things and maybe even turn carl to her side. But now I'm thinking otherwise. I think she might be like Karen on TV-- a good person who happened to be stuck with bad people. I think she could be a key part of the whisperer arc-- if she goes back to her people and tells them how fairly she was treated that could help things. But then again, that seems awful clean and neat for the walking dead. So maybe I should check and make sure nobody wrote "gullible" on my ceiling... Nope. It's good.

I liked Maggie in this one. "You f*cking monsters..." "Those families can f*ck off." Lol. Classic. It's great news that Sophia continued to back him up. By the look on her face when he beat those two up I was worried that she'd be afraid of him because of that. But all seems to be well.

You have to admire Gregory's dedication. Almost every time we see him he rises to a new level of dickheadedness. I couldn't keep up that level of effort for so long. And then when white trash dad was staring at Carl and then later told Gregory "you have to kill the boy, too." Yeah... Lemme know how that turns out for you. I can't wait to see them die horribly.

I really liked the callbacks to Carl's past. It was funny-- as I was reading it and Lydia was like, "I've never been alone... I'm just so scared." I was like, "that's probably gonna remind carl of the time Rick almost died after the prison..." And then it did. Lol. Not sure how I feel about him loaning his hat to her. I prefer the headband, yes, but he can't actually give the hat away. That would be all kinds of bad foreshadowing and juju. And it can't be anything major, because we all know he's going to end up with Sophia. Maybe Lydia will be Carl's version of Jessie.
Gregory at the beginning was hilarious when he couldn't believe why everyone was shocked about his suggestion to murder Maggie. What's a little assassination between friends, right?

That line when Carl asks Maggie to untie Lydia and says, "How dangerous could she be?" makes me think she could be quite dangerous.

I'd love to believe that Kirkman was referring to Michonne's return in the Letter Hacks, but I suspect he's trolling us. Maybe the thing that happens that we've been requesting is just the fair, or something to do with Negan's backstory (we haven't seen him for a while...).
I got a Romeo and Juliet vibe from this issue... Two young lovers stuck between warring factions... Its a classic storyline, no reason it couldn't materialise in Kirkmans world as well...
Carl is gonna hook up with Lydia and Sophia is gonna kill her.
I also think Maggie won't die....but someone else will. Like Andrea.
Good issue, but looks like Carl Poppa's about to get played. My thoughts are Lydia's playing trojan horse, seeing who she can work, maybe trying to find a way to get herself out and others in.
She's already untied, I think she's more dangerous than The Poppa is giving her credit for?
man i was caught off guard with Andrea and Magna being all buddy buddy. mostly bc i didnt recognize Magna at first. i didnt like Andrea spreading gossip about Eugene tho. i already feel bad enough for him. hopefully he wises up, leaves Rosita and finds a new, better gf

im glad someone finally told Marcus he wasnt going loony. but i really have no clue what to expect from the Whisperers. as usual RK doin a great job keeping us guessing. same with Lydia, she could be using her teenage girl mind control that only works on teenage boys. or she could genuine idk.

i think/hope Maggie will be ok. same with Carl. hopefully Gregory/redneck coup attempt is shut down quickly and just a distraction from the real trouble; the whisperers. altho the idea of them becoming a part of the community network would be neat
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Grrrrrr....... Gregory why the **** are you even breathing . When Rick finds out you tried to kill Carl and Maggie, i think he is going to rethink this whole not killing anyone.
And Carl,id stop listening to that girl,she is bad news. Im not falling for any of her crap atm. Those Whispers said she is strong. This Is probably her gameplay ,the whole im a scared girl Dont know what im doing thing. Not falling for it! Lets hope Sophia handles her ,no one gets Between Sophia and her Man :zombies_lol:

As to Michonne , no way in hell shes going to be a villian just no frickin way. Shes probably on those boats on the 139 issue. Think about it,she wanted to give up her sword and not kill anymore. Out in the sea, Walker free zone right there.
Carl is gonna hook up with Lydia and Sophia is gonna kill her.
I also think Maggie won't die....but someone else will. Like Andrea.
I don't want to see it happen, but I fear you may be right. The Grimes family are just too happy and comfortable at the moment. Something bad must be coming up if Andrea's biggest worry is having too much food and Rick staying at the Hilltop for too long.
I got a Romeo and Juliet vibe from this issue... Two young lovers stuck between warring factions... Its a classic storyline, no reason it couldn't materialise in Kirkmans world as well...

You're not the only one. Except, I felt like Lydia and Carl may actually have a chance at accomplishing what Rome and Juliet intended. Bridging the gap between two warring factions. But then again, Kirkman may keep it strictly Shakespearean and have Lydia get the axe. So Carl and still be with his one true love Sophia. :P