Apex Legends Faces Bugs in New Season
With the launch of Season 22, the developers at Respawn Entertainment aimed to deliver a thrilling new experience, including introducing a new map. It has been a source of both excitement and frustration for the dedicated player base of Apex Legends.
Several players have been disappointed by a concerning issue that arose from Season 22’s introduction of Newcastle. Newcastle is a defensive legend who has a unique Tactical Ability called “Mobile Shield.”.
During intense firefights, Newcastle’s temporary energy shield provides valuable cover for his team. However, Apex Legends players have recently discovered a bug that may negatively impact the effectiveness of this vital ability.
New Apex Legends Season Bugs FrustratesPlayers
According to reports from the Newcastle community, the Mobile Shield does not appear to be working as intended, causing its protective capabilities to be greatly reduced. As a result, Newcastle mains are finding their combat options to be greatly limited.
It has also caused additional challenges in the gameplay of players relying on Newcastle’s support. The bug was discovered just as the Apex Legends player base was eagerly awaiting Season 22’s new content and improvements.
In the wake of the introduction of a fresh map and the addition of Newcastle, lots of excitement had been generated among the community. However, a debilitating glitch has dampened some of that enthusiasm, as players grapple with the impact on their gameplay.
Known for providing a high-quality gaming experience, Respawn Entertainment is expected to work on identifying the root cause of the Newcastle bug and prioritizing a fix to restore the Mobile Shield’s intended functionality.
Until then, Apex Legends players will have to adapt their strategies and playstyles to accommodate this unexpected challenge, hoping that a resolution will be forthcoming soon. Even as the new season heats up, players are hoping for a hotfix release from the studio.